Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Romanaticized Blackness by Whites to The Folk Essay

Romanaticized Blackness by Whites to The Folk - Essay Example He touches several other related topics as well. Throughout Hale’s book she has mentioned how the white Americans were much more open to the ideas of sharing the same hobbies, the same interests with the colored population and so they are termed as ‘outsiders’. This sudden change over several years caused a great transformation in the society and culture. The rebellion was such that a person’s race did not count, the discriminatory acts were slowing down. On the other hand, Baldwin’s stories clearly display that there was no such thing as fairness and justice between the races. The blacks were still treated wrongly, judged because of their skin color, the facts ignored because a white man was not to be blamed. It always had to be the colored man’s fault and he was unjustly punished for it. One of the stories Baldwin has written is Rockpile. The Grimes family consists of mixed ethnicity. The members are all white except on boy called John who i s Reverend Gabriel Grimes’ step son – son of his wife’s with another man before their marriage. Despite being a man of God, Grimes does not treat John fairly just because of his skin color. The incident related in the story is how Grimes’ son Rory gets injured due to his own fault, but John receives all the censure for it because he is black. Rory gets into a fight with some African American boys and hurts himself. "They fought on the rockpile. Sure footed, dangerous, and reckless, they rushed each other and grappled on the heights (†¦) Immediately, one side of Roy's face ran with blood, he fell and rolled on his face down the rocks" (Long and Collier 541) The story mostly shows the tumultuous relationship between the two. They were fighting with each other for no reason other than their color. John was thought to be guilty because of no other basis than the fact that he was black so obviously it was his entire fault. The unfairness is clearly shown here and it is quite a different version of what Hale is talking about in her own book. Times were quite difficult then. The sufferance during the Great Depression led to the white people unemployed. Only the blacks still had employment opportunities as they were willing to work for cheap wages and long hours. As more and more people were sacked, the menial tasks set aside for the blacks were given to whites. This was one of the early signs of prejudice and racism. Hale writes that the white Americans called themselves the outsiders during these times since they were not working. It was the ‘in’ thing even though they still had much more privileged lives than the blacks who were even working. The latter had very less income; the divide between the rich and poor was great. The poor automatically became even poorer whilst the rich continued to prosper despite the troubled times. The economic divide between the two races was great and yet the whites continued to compare th eir problems with those of the blacks. They did not realize that they were in a much greater, luckier position. Another story written by Baldwin is Sonny’s Blues. It is referring to the songs which were preferred in that time period. The story is about two brothers who are not really close but the narrator is showed as being worried for his sibling despite the distance. Sonny is a gifted pianist but he is troubled because he has no idea what to do with his talent. He gets into drugs till he becomes really addicted to them and puts everyone concerned

Monday, October 28, 2019

Developmental Psych Core Questions Essay Example for Free

Developmental Psych Core Questions Essay Core Chapter Learning Objectives for PSY 104 Developmental Psychology 1. Explain the role of theories in understanding human development, and describe three basic issues on which major theories take a stand. (pp. 5–7) 2. Describe recent theoretical perspectives on human development, noting the contributions of major theorists. (pp. 21–26) 3. Identify the stand that each contemporary theory takes on the three basic issues presented earlier in this chapter. (pp. 26, 27) 4. Describe the research methods commonly used to study human development, citing the strengths and limitations of each. (pp. 26–31) 5. Describe three research designs for studying development, and cite the strengths and limitations of each. (pp. 34–38) 6. Discuss ethical issues related to lifespan research. (pp. 39–40) Chapter 2 1. Explain the role and function of genes and how they are transmitted from one generation to the next. (p. 46) 2. Describe the genetic events that determine the sex of the new organism. (pp. 46–47) 3. Identify two types of twins, and explain how each is created. (pp. 47–48) 4. Describe various patterns of genetic inheritance. (pp. 48–52) 5. Describe major chromosomal abnormalities, and explain how they occur. (pp. 52–53) 6. Explain how reproductive procedures can assist prospective parents in having healthy children. (pp. 53–57) 7. Describe the social systems perspective on family functioning, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. (pp. 59–60) 8. Discuss the impact of socioeconomic status and poverty on family functioning. (pp. 60–63) 9. Summarize the roles of neighborhoods, towns, and cities in the lives of children and adults. (pp. 63–65) 10. Explain how cultural values and pract ices, public policies, and political and economic conditions affect human development. (pp. 65–70) 11. Explain the various ways heredity and environment can influence complex traits. (p. 70) 12. Describe concepts that indicate â€Å"how† heredity and environment work together to influence complex human characteristics. (pp. 72–74) Chapter 3 1. List the three phases of prenatal development, and describe the major milestones of each. (pp. 80–85) 2. Define the term teratogen, and summarize the factors that affect the impact of teratogens on prenatal development. (pp. 85–86) 3. List agents known or suspected of being teratogens, and discuss evidence supporting the harmful impact of each.(pp. 86–93) 4. Discuss other maternal factors that can affect the developing embryo or fetus. (pp. 93–95) 5. Describe the three stages of childbirth. (pp. 96–97) 6. Discuss the baby’s adaptation to labor and delivery, and describe the appearance of the newborn baby. (pp. 97–98) 7. Describe natural childbirth and home delivery, noting the benefits and concerns associated with each. (pp. 99–100) 8. List common medical interventions during childbirth, circumstances that justify their use, and any dangers associated with each. (pp. 100–101) 9. Describe the risks associated with prete rm and small-for-date births, along with factors that help infants who survive a traumatic birth recover. (pp. 101–106) 10. Describe the newborn baby’s reflexes and states of arousal, including sleep characteristics and ways to soothe a crying baby. (pp. 106–111) 11. Describe the newborn baby’s sensory capacities. (pp. 111–113) 12. Explain the usefulness of neonatal behavioral assessment. (pp. 113–114) Chapter 4 1. Describe major changes in body growth over the first 2 years. (pp. 120–121) 2. Summarize changes in brain development during infancy and toddlerhood. (pp. 121–129) 3. Describe the development of the cerebral cortex, and explain the concepts of brain lateralization and brain plasticity (pp. 124–125, 126) 4. Describe how both heredity and early experience contribute to brain organization. (pp. 125, 127–128) 5. Discuss changes in the organization of sleep and wakefulness over the first 2 years. (pp. 128–129) 6. Discuss the nutritional needs of infants and toddlers, the advantages of breastfeeding, and the extent to which chubby babies are at risk for later overweight and obesity. (pp. 130–131) 7. Summarize the impact of severe malnutrition on the development of infants and toddlers, and cite two dietary diseases associated with this condition. (p. 132) 8. Describe the growth disorder known as nonorganic failure to thrive, noting symptoms and family circumstances associated with the disorder. (pp. 132–133) 9. Describe four infant learning capacities, the conditions under which they occur, and the unique value of each. (pp. 133–136) 10. Describe the general course of motor development during the first 2 years, along with factors that influence it. (pp. 137–138) 11. Explain dynamic systems theory of motor development (pp. 138–140) 12. Discuss changes in hearing, depth and pattern perception, and intermodal perception that occur during infancy. (pp. 140–147) 13. Explain differentiation theory of perceptual development. (pp. 147–148) Chapter 5 1. Describe how schemes change over the course of development. (p. 152) 2. Identify Piaget’s six sensorimotor substages, and describe the major cognitive achievements of the sensorimotor stage. (pp. 153–155) 3. Discuss recent research on sensorimotor development, noting its implications for the accuracy of Piaget’s sensorimotor stage. (pp. 155–160) 4. Describe the information-processing view of cognitive development and the general structure of the information-processing system. (pp. 160–162) 5. Cite changes in attention, memory, and categorization during the first 2 years. (pp. 162–165) 6. Describe contributions and limitations of the information-processing approach, and explain how it contributes to our understanding of early cognitive development. (p. 165) 7. Explain how Vygotsky’s concept of the zone of proximal development expands our understanding of early cognitive development. (pp. 165–166, 167) 8. Describe the mental te sting approach and the extent to which infant tests predict later performance. (pp. 166, 168–169) 9. Discuss environmental influences on early mental development, including home, child care, and early intervention for at-risk infants and toddlers. (pp. 169–172) 10. Describe theories of language development, and indicate how much emphasis each places on innate abilities and environmental influences. (pp. 172–174) 11. Describe major milestones of language development in the first 2 years, noting individual differences, and discuss ways in which adults can support infants’ and toddlers’ emerging capacities. (pp. 174–179) Chapter 6 1. Discuss personality changes in the first two stages of Erikson’s psychosocial theory—basic trust versus mistrust and autonomy versus shame and doubt. (pp. 184–185) 2. Describe changes in the expression of happiness, anger and sadness, and fear over the first year, noting the adaptive function of each. (pp. 185–188) 3. Summarize changes during the first two years in understanding others’ emotions and expression of self-conscious emotions. (pp. 188–189) 4. Trace the development of emotional self-regulation during the first 2 years. (pp. 189–190) 5. Describe temperament, and identify the three temperamental styles elaborated by Thomas and Chess. (pp. 190–191) 6. Compare Thomas and Chess’s model of temperament with that of Rothbart. (p. 191) 7. Explain how temperament is assessed, and distinguish inhibited, or shy, children from uninhibited, or sociable, children. (pp. 191–193) 8. Discuss the stability of temperament and the role of heredity and environment in the development of temperamen t. (pp. 193–194) 9. Summarize the goodness-of-fit model. (pp. 194–195) 10. Describe Bowlby’s ethological theory of attachment, and trace the development of attachment during the first two years. (pp. 196–198) 11. Describe the Strange Situation and Attachment Q-Sort procedures for measuring attachment, along with the four patterns of attachment that have been identified using the Strange Situation. (pp. 198–199) 12. Discuss the factors that affect attachment security, including opportunity for attachment, quality of caregiving, infant characteristics, family circumstances, and parents’ internal working models. (pp. 200–202, 203) 13. Discuss fathers’ attachment relationships with their infants, and explain the role of early attachment quality in later development. (pp. 202, 204–205) 14. Describe and interpret the relationship between secure attachment in infancy and later development. (pp. 205–206) 15. Trace the emergence of self-awareness, and explain how it influences early emotional and social dev elopment, categorization of the self, and development of self-control. (pp. 206–209) Chapter 7 1. Describe major trends in body growth during early childhood. (pp. 216–217) 2. Discuss brain development in early childhood, including handedness and changes in the cerebellum, reticular formation, and the corpus callosum. (pp. 217–219) 3. Explain how heredity influences physical growth by controlling the production of hormones. (p. 219) 4. Describe the effects of emotional well-being, nutrition, and infectious disease on physical development. (pp. 219–222) 5. Summarize factors that increase the risk of unintentional injuries, and cite ways childhood injuries can be prevented. (pp. 222–223) 6. Cite major milestones of gross- and fine-motor development in early childhood, including individual and sex differences. (pp. 224–227) 7. Describe advances in mental representation during the preschool years. (pp. 227–229) 8. Describe limitations of preoperational thought, and summarize the implications of recent research for the accuracy of the preoperational stage. (pp. 229–233) 9. Describe educational principles derived from Piaget’s theory. (pp. 233–234) 10. Describe Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s views on the development and sign ificance of children’s private speech, along with related evidence. (pp. 234–235) 11. Discuss applications of Vygotsky’s theory to education, and summarize challenges to his ideas. (pp. 235–237) 12. Describe changes in attention and memory during early childhood. (pp. 237–239) 13. Describe the young child’s theory of mind. (pp. 239–241) 14. Summarize children’s literacy and mathematical knowledge during early childhood. (pp. 241–243) 15. Describe early childhood intelligence tests and the impact of home, educational programs, child care, and media on mental development in early childhood. (pp. 243–248) 16. Trace the development of vocabulary, grammar, and conversational skills in early childhood. (pp. 248–251) Chapter 8 1. Describe Erikson’s stage of initiative versus guilt, noting major personality changes of early childhood. (p. 256) 2. Discuss preschoolers’ self-understanding, including characteristics of self-concepts and the emergence of self-esteem. (pp. 256–258) 3. Cite changes in the understanding and expression of emotion during early childhood, along with factors that influence those changes. (pp. 258–259) 4. Explain how language and temperament contribute to the development of emotional self-regulation during the preschool years. (p. 259) 5. Discuss the development of self-conscious emotions, empathy, sympathy, and prosocial behavior during early childhood, noting the influence of parenting. (pp. 259–261) 6. Describe advances in peer sociability and in friendship in early childhood, along with cultural and parental influences on early peer relations. (pp. 261–264) 7. Compare psychoanalytic, social learning, and cognitive-developmental approaches to moral development, and cite child-rearing practices that support or undermine moral understanding. (pp. 264–269) 8. Describe the development of aggression in early childhood, noting the influences of family and television, and cite strategies for controlling aggressive behavior. (pp. 269–272) 9. Discuss genetic and environmental influences on preschoolers’ gender-stereotyped beliefs and behavior. (pp. 273–276) 10. Describe and evaluate the accuracy of major theories of gender identity, including ways to reduce gender stereotyping in young children. (pp. 276–278) 11. Describe the impact of child-rearing styles on child development, explain why authoritative parenting is effective, and note cultural variations in child-rearing beliefs and practices. (pp. 278–281) 12. Discuss the multiple origins of child maltreatment, its consequences for development, and effective prevention. (pp. 281–283) Chapter 9 1. Describe major trends in body growth during middle childhood. (p. 290) 2. Identify common vision and hearing problems in middle childhood. (p. 291) 3. Describe the causes and consequences of serious nutritional problems in middle childhood, giving special attention to obesity. (pp. 291–293) 4. Identify factors that contribute to illness during the school years, and describe ways to reduce these health problems. (pp. 293–294) 5. Describe changes in unintentional injuries in middle childhood. (p. 294) 6. Cite major changes in motor development and play during middle childhood, including sex differences and the importance of physical education. (pp. 294–299) 7. Describe major characteristics of concrete operational thought. (pp. 299–301) 8. Discuss follow-up research on concrete operational thought, noting the importance of culture and schooling.(pp. 301–302) 9. Cite basic changes in information processing and describe the development of attention and memory in middle childhood. (pp. 303–305) 10. Describe the school-age child’s theory of mind, noting the importance of mental inferences and understanding of false belief and capacity to engage in self-regulation. (pp. 306–307) 11. Discuss applications of information processing to academic learning, including current controversies in teaching reading and mathematics to elementary school children. (pp. 307–309) 12. Describe major approaches to defining and measuring intelligence. (pp. 309–310) 13. Summarize Sternberg’s triarchic theory and Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, noting how these theories explain the limitations of current intelligence tests in assessing the diversity of human intelligence. (pp. 310–312) 14. Describe evidence indicating that both heredity and environment contribute to intelligence. (pp. 312–317) 15. Summarize findings on emotional intelligence, including implications for the classroom. (p. 313) 16. Describe change s in school-age children’s vocabulary, grammar, and pragmatics, and cite advantages of bilingualism. (pp. 316–319) 17. Explain the impact of class size and educational philosophies on children’s motivation and academic achievement. (pp. 319–321) 18. Discuss the role of teacher-student interaction and grouping practices in academic achievement. (pp. 321–322) 19. Explain the conditions that contribute to successful placement of children with mild mental retardation and learning disabilities in regular classrooms. (p. 322) 20. Describe the characteristics of gifted children, including creativity and talent, and current efforts to meet their educational needs. (pp. 323–324) 21. Compare the academic achievement of North American children with children in other industrialized nations. (pp. 324–325) Chapter 10 1. Describe Erikson’s stage of industry versus inferiority, noting major personality changes in middle childhood. (p. 330) 2. Describe school-age children’s self-concept and self-esteem, and discuss factors that affect their achievement-related attributions. (pp. 330–334) 3. Cite changes in understanding and expression of emotion in middle childhood, including the importance of problem-centered coping and emotion-centered coping for managing emotion. (pp. 335–336) 4. Trace the development of perspective taking in middle childhood, and discuss the relationship between perspective taking and social skills. (pp. 336–337) 5. Describe changes in moral understanding during middle childhood, and note the extent to which children hold racial and ethnic biases. (pp. 337–339) 6. Summarize changes in peer sociability during middle childhood, including characteristics of peer groups and friendships. (pp. 339–341) 7. Describe four categories of peer acceptance, noting how each is related to social behavior, and discuss ways to help rejected children. (pp. 341–342, 343) 8. Describe changes in gender-stereotyped beliefs and gender identity during middle childhood, including sex differences and cultural influences. (pp. 342–345) 9. Discuss changes in parent–child communication and sibling relationships in middle childhood, and describe the adjustment of only children. (pp. 345–346) 10. Discuss factors that influence children’s adjustment to di vorce and blended families, highlighting the importance of parent and child characteristics, as well as social supports within the family and surrounding community. (pp. 347–350) 11. Explain how maternal employment and life in dual-earner families affect school-age children, noting the influence of social supports within the family and surrounding community, including child care for school-age children. (pp. 350–351) 12. Cite common fears and anxieties in middle childhood, with particular attention to school phobia. (pp. 352, 353) 13. Discuss factors related to child sexual abuse and its consequences for children’s development. (pp. 352–354, 355) 14. Cite factors that foster resilience in middle childhood. (p. 354) Chapter 11 1. Discuss changing conceptions of adolescence over the past century. (pp. 362–363) 2. Describe pubertal changes in body size, proportions, sleep patterns, motor performance, and sexual maturity. (pp. 363–366) 3. Cite factors that influence the timing of puberty. (pp. 366–367) 4. Describe brain development in adolescence. (pp. 367–368) 5. Discuss adolescents’ reactions to the physical changes of puberty, including sex differences, and describe the influence of family and culture. (pp. 368–370) 6. Discuss the impact of pubertal timing on adolescent adjustment, noting sex differences. (pp. 370–371) 7. Describe the nutritional needs of adolescents, and cite factors that contribute to serious eating disorders. (pp. 371–373) 8. Discuss social and cultural influences on adolescent sexual attitudes and behavior. (pp. 373–376) 9. Describe factors involved in the development of gay, lesbian, and bisexual orientations, and discuss the unique adjustment problems of these youths. (pp. 376, 377) 10. Discuss factors related to sexually transmitted diseases and to teenage pregnancy and parenthood, including interventions for adolescent parents. (pp. 376, 378–380) 11. Cite personal and social factors that contribute to adolescent substance use and abuse, and describe prevention and treatment programs. (pp. 380–382) 12. Describe the major characteristics of formal operational thought. (pp. 382–384) 13. Discuss recent research on formal operational thought and its implications for the accuracy of Piaget’s formal operat ional stage. (pp. 384–385) 14. Explain how information-processing researchers account for cognitive change in adolescence, emphasizing the development of scientific reasoning. (pp. 385–386) 15. Summarize cognitive and behavioral consequences of adolescents’ newfound capacity for advanced thinking. (pp. 386–388) 16. Note sex differences in mental abilities at adolescence, along with biological and environmental factors that influence them. (pp. 389–390, 391) 17. Discuss the impact of school transitions on adolescent adjustment, and cite ways to ease the strain of these changes. (pp. 390, 392–393) 18. Discuss family, peer, school, and employment influences on academic achievement during adolescence. (pp. 393–395) 19. Describe personal, family, and school factors related to dropping out, and cite ways to prevent early school leaving. (pp. 396–397) Chapter 12 1. Discuss Erikson’s theory of identity development. (p. 402) 2. Describe changes in self-concept and self-esteem during adolescence. (pp. 402–403) 3. Describe the four identity statuses, the adjustment outcomes of each status, and factors that promote identity development. (pp. 403–406) 4. Discuss Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, and evaluate its accuracy. (pp. 407–409) 5. Summarize research on Gilligan’s claim that Kohlberg’s theory underestimated the moral maturity of females. (pp. 409–410) 6. Describe influences on moral reasoning and its relationship to moral behavior. (pp. 410–414) 7. Explain why early adolescence is a period of gender intensification, and cite factors that promote the development of an androgynous gender identity. (pp. 414–415) 8. Discuss changes in parent–child and sibling relationships during adolescence. (pp. 415–417) 9. Describe adolescent friendships, peer groups, and dating relationships and their consequences for development. (pp. 417–421) 10. Discuss conformity to peer pressure in adolescence, noting the importance of authoritative child rearing. (p. 421) 11. Discuss factors related to adolescent depression and suicide, along with approaches for prevention and treatment. (pp. 421–423) 12. Summarize factors related to delinquency, and describe strategies for prevention and treatment. (pp. 423–426) Chapter 13 1. Describe current theories of biological aging, including those at the level of DNA and body cells, and those at the level of organs and tissues. (pp. 432–434) 2. Describe the physical changes of aging, paying special attention to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, motor performance, the immune system, and reproductive capacity. (pp. 434–438) 3. Describe the impact of SES, nutrition, obesity, and exercise on health in adulthood. (pp. 438–444) 4. Describe trends in substance abuse in early adulthood, and discuss the health risks of each. (pp. 444–445) 5. Summarize sexual attitudes and behaviors in young adults, including sexual orientation, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual coercion, and premenstrual syndrome. (pp. 445–449) 6. Explain how psychological stress affects health. (pp. 449–451) 7. Summarize prominent theories on the restructuring of thought in adulthood, including those of Perry and Labouvie-Vief. (pp. 451–453) 8. Discuss the development of expertise and creativity in adulthood. (pp. 453–454) 9. Describe the impact of a college education on young people’s lives, and discuss the problem of dropping out.(pp. 454–455) 10. Trace the development of vocational choice, and note factors that influence it. (pp. 455–458) 11. Discuss vocational preparation of non-college-bound young adults, including the challenges these individuals face.(pp. 458–459) Chapter 14 1. Define emerging adulthood, and explain how cultural change has contributed to the emergence of this period. (pp. 464–466) 2. Describe Erikson’s stage of intimacy versus isolation, noting personality changes that take place during early adulthood. (pp. 468–469) 3. Summarize Levinson’s and Vaillant’s psychosocial theories of adult personality development, including how they apply to both men’s and women’s lives and their limitations. (pp. 469–471) 4. Describe the social clock and how it relates to adjustment in adulthood. (p. 471) 5. Discuss factors that affect mate selection, and explain the role of romantic love in young adults’ quest for intimacy. (pp. 472, 474) 6. Explain how culture influences the experience of love. (p. 475) 7. Cite characteristics of adult friendships and sibling relationships, including differences between same-sex, other-sex, and sibling friendships. (pp. 475–476) 8. Cite factors that inf luence loneliness, and explain the role of loneliness in adult development. (pp. 476–477) 9. Trace phases of the family life cycle that are prominent in early adulthood, noting factors that influence these phases. (pp. 478–485) 10. Discuss the diversity of adult lifestyles, focusing on singlehood, cohabitation, and childlessness. (pp. 486–488) 11. Discuss trends in divorce and remarriage, along with factors that contribute to them. (pp. 488–489) 12. Summarize challenges associated with variant styles of parenthood, including stepparents, never-married single parents, and gay and lesbian parents. (pp. 489–491) 13. Describe patterns of career development, and cite difficulties faced by women, ethnic minorities, and couples seeking to combine work and family. (pp. 491–495) Chapter 15 1. Describe the physical changes of middle adulthood, paying special attention to vision, hearing, the skin, muscle–fat makeup, and the skeleton. (pp. 502–504, 505) 2. Summarize reproductive changes experienced by middle-aged men and women, and discuss the symptoms of menopause, the benefits and risks of hormone therapy, and women’s psychological reactions to menopause. (pp. 504, 506–509) 3. Discuss sexuality in middle adulthood. (p. 509) 4. Discuss cancer, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis, noting sex differences, risk factors, and interventions. (pp. 509–513) 5. Explain how hostility and anger affect health. (pp. 513–514) 6. Discuss the benefits of stress management, exercise, and an optimistic outlook in adapting to the physical challenges of midlife. (pp. 514–517) 7. Explain the double standard of aging. (p. 517) 8. Describe changes in crystallized and fluid intelligence during middle adulthood, and discuss individual and group differences in intellectual development. (pp. 518–520) 9. Describe changes in information processing in midlife, paying special attention to speed of processing, attention, and memory. (pp. 520–523) 10. Discuss the development of practical problem solving, expertise, and creativity in middle adulthood. (pp. 523–525) 11. Describe the relationship between vocational life and cognitive development. (pp. 525–526) 12. Discuss the challenges of adult learners, ways to support returning students, and benefits of earning a degree in midlife. (pp. 526–527) Chapter 16 1. Describe Erikson’s stage of generativity versus stagnation, noting major personality changes of middle adulthood and related research findings. (pp. 532–535) 2. Discuss Levinson’s and Vaillant’s views of psychosocial development in middle adulthood, noting gender similarities and differences. (pp. 535–536) 3. Summarize research examining the question of whether most middle-aged adults experience a midlife crisis.(pp. 536–537) 4. Describe stability and change in self-concept and personality in middle adulthood. (pp. 538–539) 5. Describe changes in gender identity in midlife. (pp. 540–542) 6. Discuss stability and change in the â€Å"big five† personality traits in adulthood. (pp. 542–543) 7. Describe the middle adulthood phase of the family life cycle, and discuss midlife marital relationships and relationships with adult children, grandchildren, and aging parents. (pp. 543–551) 8. Describe midlife sibling relationships and friendships. (pp. 551–553) 9. Discuss job satisfaction and career development in middle adulthood, paying special attention to gender differences and experiences of ethnic minorities. (pp. 553–555) 10. Describe career change and unemployment in middle adulthood. (p. 556) 11. Discuss the importance of planning for retirement, noting various issues that middle-aged adults should address. (pp. 556–557) Chapter 17 1. Distinguish between chronological age and functional age, and discuss changes in life expectancy over the past century. (pp. 564–566, 568–569) 2. Explain age-related changes in the nervous system during late adulthood. (pp. 566–567) 3. Summarize changes in sensory functioning during late adulthood, including vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. (pp. 567–570) 4. Describe cardiovascular, respiratory, and immune system changes in late adulthood. (pp. 570–571) 5. Discuss sleep difficulties in late adulthood. (pp. 571–572) 6. Summarize changes in physical health and mobility in late adulthood, including elders’ adaptation to the physical changes, and reactions to stereotypes of aging. (pp. 572–575, 576) 7. Discuss health and fitness in late life, paying special attention to nutrition, exercise, and sexuality. (pp. 575–579) 8. Discuss common physical disabilities in late adulthood, with special attention to arthritis, a dult-onset diabetes, and unintentional injuries. (pp. 580–582) 9. Describe mental disabilities common in late adulthood, including Alzheimer’s disease, cerebrovascular dementia, and misdiagnosed and reversible dementia. (pp. 582–588) 10. Discuss health-care issues that affect senior citizens. (pp. 589–590) 11. Describe changes in crystallized and fluid abilities in late adulthood, and explain how older adults can make the most of their cognitive resources. (pp. 590–591) 12. Summarize memory changes in late life, including implicit, associative, remote, and prospective memories. (pp. 591–594) 13. Discuss changes in language processing in late adulthood. (pp. 594–595) 14. Explain how problem solving changes in late life. (p. 595) 15. Discuss the capacities that contribute to wisdom, noting how it is affected by age and life experience. (pp. 595–596) 16. Discuss factors related to cognitive change in late adulthood. (pp. 596â€⠀œ597) Chapter 18 1. Describe Erikson’s stage of ego integrity versus despair. (p. 604) 2. Discuss Peck’s tasks of ego integrity, Joan Erikson’s gerotranscendence, and Labouvie-Vief’s emotional expertise.(pp. 604–605) 3. Describe the functions of reminiscence and life review in older adults’ lives. (pp. 606, 607) 4. Summarize stability and change in self-concept and personality in late adulthood. (pp. 606–608) 5. Discuss spirituality and religiosity in late adulthood. (pp. 608–609) 6. Discuss contextual influences on psychological well-being as older adults respond to increased dependency, declining health, and negative life changes. (pp. 609–611, 612) 7. Summarize the role of social support and social interaction in promoting physical health and psychological well-being in late adulthood. (p. 611) 8. Describe social theories of aging, including disengagement theory, activity theory, continuity theory, and socioemotional selectivity theory . (pp. 612–615, 616) 9. Describe changes in social relationships in late adulthood, including marriage, gay and lesbian partnerships, divorce, remarriage, cohabitation, and widowhood, and discuss never-married, childless older adults. (pp. 619–623) 10. Explain how sibling relationships and friendships change in late life. (pp. 624–625) 11. Describe older adults’ relationships with adult children, adult grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. (pp. 625–626) 12. Summarize elder maltreatment, including risk factors and strategies for prevention. (pp. 627–628) 13. Discuss the decision to retire, adjustment to retirement, and involvement in leisure and volunteer activities. (pp. 628–632) 14. Discuss the meaning of optimal aging. (pp. 632–633) Chapter 19 1. Describe the physical changes of dying, along with their implications for defining death and the meaning of death with dignity. (pp. 640–642) 2. Discuss age-related changes in conception of and attitudes toward death, including ways to enhance child and adolescent understanding. (pp. 642–644) 3. Cite factors that influence death anxiety, including personal and cultural variables that contribute to the fear of death. (p. 643) 4. Describe and evaluate Kà ¼bler-Ross’s theory of typical responses to dying, citing factors that influence dying patients’ responses. (pp. 647–648) 5. Evaluate the extent to which homes, hospitals, and the hospice approach meet the needs of dying people and their families. (pp. 650–653) 6. Discuss controversies surrounding euthanasia and assisted suicide. (pp. 654–659) 7. Describe bereavement and the phases of grieving, indicating factors that underlie individual variations in grief responses. (pp. 659–660) 8. Explain the concept of bereavement overload, and describe bereavement interventions. (pp. 663, 665) 9. Explain how death education can help people cope with death more effectively. (p. 665)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

Taylor Siegel December 11, 2013 â€Å"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world† is an inspirational quote said by Nelson Mandela. Unfortunately, many kids are being deprived of a proper education. Too many kids are dropping out of school to help their parents earn money to support their families economic needs. Essentially, something must be done to help these children get a better education. Too many kids are dropping out of school and something must be done to stop them. The general dropout rate is 2.2% and the New York dropout rate is 2.7% and that is too much. 40 percent of children who are suffering from poverty are not prepared for primary schools. Primary school is very important because it prepares kids for later life. Kids who do not attend primary schools fall behind and have a lot of trouble catching up to the other students. Sometimes parents aren’t making enough money to pay for transportation or the parents get divorced and the parent in charge isn’t working so one of the kids has to help support the family. Kids from low income...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Symbols in The Great Gatsby :: Free Essay Writer

Symbols in The Great Gatsby In the Great Gatsby, a lot of things can be looked at as symbols. The weather, Daisy’s dresses, the eyes of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg, and even the lights. By using symbols, Fitzgerald makes the story more deep, and enjoyable for some readers. Fitzgerald also uses various themes throughout his story of the Great Gatsby, like Gatsby’s â€Å"American dream.† The two most important symbols in the story are the green lights at the end of daisy’s dock, and the eyes of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg. The green lights represent Gatsby’s â€Å"American dream† and his yearning for daisy. The reader doesn’t understand this for a while though. Fitzgerald shows us later that this is what they stand for, to show how something simple can represent so much. The eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg is simply a sign that lingers over the valley of ashes. The reader can interpret it as anything he/she wishes. Toward the end of the novel, however, George Wilson interprets the eyes as the eyes of God, and he must act properly under them. Gatsby’s American dream is the theme throughout the story. He lives a life of luxury, throwing huge parties, and living in a mansion. Gatsby wanted this life since he was a kid. He also wants the girl of his dreams, Daisy, in his life, only he can’t have her because she is in love with Tom. Gatsby makes Daisy a symbol of everything he wants because of her beauty, wealth, and worry-less attitude. There are also small symbols and themes in the story as well. The color of daisy’s white dress, for example, sets the mood for the scene. And on the hottest day of the year is when Tom and Gatsby have their confrontation. Overall, the symbols and themes in this story seem to come together because of Gatsby’s dream for Daisy, which is the symbol of the green lights, who is everything Gatsby wants.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Relationships In A Time That This Novel Is Set Essay

How does Steinbeck present ideas of relationships in a time that this novel is set? Steinbeck portrays a world dominated by authoritative white males. It is the attitude of this social structure that permeate ranch society and those who come from outside these expectations are inferior. Of Mice and Men describes the plight of which women, disabled people, black people and people with mental difficulties endure and suffer simply because they do not fit into the ideal category which we see whilst they interact with each other. Lennie’s brief interaction with Crooks reveals the complexity of racial prejudice during the ranch life. Like many of the men on the characters in the story, Crooks admits to being very lonely. â€Å"This here’s my room. Nobody got any right in here but me.† When Lennie visits him in his room, Crooks turns him away, in hope that he will prove a point that if a black man cannot enter a white man’s room then it is unacceptable for the re verse to occur. However, his desire for company ultimately wins out and he invites Lennie to sit with him. In addition, he seems very suspicious of any kindness he receives. The fact that he doubts Lennie being kind to him refers to the strong racism on the ranch. Crooks is not sure how to react to Lennie and his instant reaction is for Lennie to leave. This outsider status causes him to lament his loneliness, but we can see the corrosive effects it has on him as he seems delighted in seeing loneliness in others. For example, he suggests that George is gone for good and it is not until Lennie threatens Crooks with physical violence does he relent. We cannot blame Crooks. On the other hand, this evokes sympathy as the origins of his cruel behaviour are made evident. We can infer that he is jealous and lonely that he wants to see someone else hurt just like he is. Curley and his wife have an unstable marriage, lacking in respect, compassion and communication. Curley believes that his wife is his posse ssion and shows her off to the other men. Throughout the novel we see Curley asking the other men where his wife is and likewise we see Curley’s wife looking for him. This could be a metaphor that although they are together they are still lonely. Their relationship is unhealthy as he manipulates and intimidates his wife. However, Curley seems very selfish and he did not seem to care for his wife. He used her for sex. Furthermore, the fact that she is referred to as â€Å"Curley’s wife† suggests that women did not have an identity. Curley is too protective over his wife as he knew she flirted with the other men and  Curley felt threatened, especially as she was the only woman on the ranch. There is not trust between them which is very unhealthy and not good. I think she enjoyed flirting because she felt isolated and lonely. Most of the ranch hands looked down upon her and thought she was a â€Å"slut.† This was the typical attitude towards women during this time period. They were seen as possessions of their husband. At the end of the novel, Steinbeck said that when she died, she was released and â€Å"discontent and the ache for attentions were all gone from her face. She was very pretty and simple, and her face was sweet.† When she was alive, she was wearing a mask and no one knew her true identify, as there was no one there to understand or get to know the real her but now she is dead, and the mask is off she looks better: â€Å"Her reddened lips made her seem alive.† Finally, in death, she could find the peace and calm that evaded her when she was alive in the harsh society. Ironically, her corpise is praised more in death than she was life. We begin to question Steinbeck’s intentions in giving us an unsympathetic view of this women and in women in general. Whenever she expresses her loneliness they are followed by acts of manipulation or violence. He seems to characterise women as trouble and they are â€Å"the downfall of man.† She is the catalyst of the drama which links to that point also. I don’t necessarily think that Steinbeck was sexist and is instead making a point about society’s sexism. She is the only character without a name, and even Crooks- who at that time was a member of a even more hated social group and if she talks to anyone â€Å"he gets mad.†

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cognitive Sense-Making

Cognitive Sense-Making Cognitive Sense-Making During my individual learning, I applied aspects of constructivism theory of learning knowledge and sense-making to the learning process in order to reflect upon and assess the outcome of such process and its relevance to perception and understanding aspects. From cognitive perspective, construction of meaning for new information proceeds from this meanings evaluation in the old mental model. I have reached the conclusion that meaning construction is produced by my perception of new information, retrieval of familiar data from it, and sorting out that data in order to figure out how it relates to my previous cognitive knowledge. In this stage, I use my tacit knowledge for meaning making to achieve my personal understanding of new information. Furthermore, I experience the idea of creative tension, which is based on the difference between what I already know and what benefits may I get from things I will find out. Two-way communication strategies with my instructor help me fill informational deficit and remove cognitive dissonance which alters my understanding. It should be pointed out that a teacher-cognitive negotiation, which results in feedback, involves an explicit discourse and combines it with initial tacit knowledge. My previous experience with new meaning construction is reflected in these stages of the sense-making process and learning communication. It also reinforces a subsequent process of my knowledge construction, which assists in development of evaluative skills. Therefore, my misinterpretations are corrected through assimilation of previous and new knowledge, accommodation of the latter in judgment memory, and evaluation of proper interpretation. In addition, the worth of these ideas are reflected in the combination of personal constructivism strategies, sense-making and knowledge construction processes, which develop metacognitive skills, proceed thinking order to the higher level, create deeper understanding, and stimulate me to learn. Furthermore, I extend my learning from knowledge creation to its interpretation, which is the result of my learning process with reinforced representations.

Monday, October 21, 2019

America and its Past war economy essays

America and its Past war economy essays There is very little doubt that a true war is one of the most economically sound events in which a government could participate. War is good for business. Excluding the enormous cost of life and other social and political ramifications, war is one of the best things that can happen to a society. Both Malthaus and Marx argue that capitalist societies require war to survive and expand. Throughout history there are many examples of how wars have stimulated economies and created new avenues of development for industry. In fact much of the development of countries such as the United States, happened during and directly after wars. Erik Janeway insists that War had been the direct and immediate cause of Americas cycles of expansion. War has become an increasingly good opportunity for businesses and government. This was particularly so after the employment of Keynes economic theories in World War Two. Keynes suggested that in order to stimulate an economy, there must be an increase in deficits. After this increase in deficits, more and more employment will be created, spending will increase and the wealth and more importantly industry of the country will increase. This is actually the basic model of a wartime economy. As soon as a government becomes aware of a conflict or a threat to national security, it begins to allocate large amounts of money to weapons and other defence measurements. Demand for weaponry and defence machinery is usually greater than peacetime arms industry can cope with, and expansion of industry occurs, and naturally the rate of unemployment drops. There is also room for technological development, as the government is evidently eager to create newer, more technologically advanced weaponry that will destroy the enemy. With so much extra spending, wartime economies begin to boom. More people are in employment, not only through industry expansion but also throu...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Complete List of American Revolution Battles

Complete List of American Revolution Battles The battles of the American Revolution were fought as far north as Quebec and as far south as Savannah. As the war became global with the entry of France in 1778, other battles were fought overseas as the powers of Europe clashed. Beginning in 1775, these battles brought to prominence previously quiet villages such as Lexington, Germantown, Saratoga, and Yorktown, forever linking their names with the cause of American independence. Fighting during the early years of the American Revolution was generally in the North, while the war shifted south after 1779. During the war, around 25,000 Americans died (approx. 8,000 in battle), while another 25,000 were wounded. British and German losses numbered around 20,000 and 7,500 respectively. American Revolution Battles 1775 April 19 - Battles of Lexington Concord - Massachusetts April 19, 1775-March 17, 1776 - Siege of Boston - Massachusetts May 10 - Capture of Fort Ticonderoga - New York June 11-12 - Battle of Machias - Massachusetts (Maine) June 17 - Battle of Bunker Hill - Massachusetts September 17-November 3 - Siege of Fort St. Jean - Canada September 19-November 9 - Arnold Expedition - Maine/Canada December 9 - Battle of Great Bridge - Virginia December 31 - Battle of Quebec - Canada 1776 February 27 - Battle of Moores Creek Bridge - North Carolina March 3-4 - Battle of Nassau - Bahamas June 28 - Battle of Sullivans Island (Charleston) - South Carolina August 27-30 - Battle of Long Island - New York September 16 - Battle of Harlem Heights - New York October 11 - Battle of Valcour Island - New York October 28 - Battle of White Plains - New York November 16 - Battle of Fort Washington - New York December 26 - Battle of Trenton - New Jersey 1777 January 2 - Battle of the Assunpink Creek - New Jersey January 3 - Battle of Princeton - New Jersey April 27 - Battle of Ridgefield - Connecticut June 26 - Battle of Short Hills - New Jersey July 2-6 - Siege of Fort Ticonderoga - New York July 7 - Battle of Hubbardton - Vermont August 2-22 - Siege of Fort Stanwix - New York August 6 - Battle of Oriskany - New York August 16 - Battle of Bennington - New York September 3 - Battle of Coochs Bridge - Delaware September 11 - Battle of Brandywine - Pennsylvania September 19 October 7 - Battle of Saratoga - New York September 21 - Paoli Massacre - Pennsylvania September 26-November 16 - Siege of Fort Mifflin  - Pennsylvania October 4 - Battle of Germantown - Pennsylvania October 6 - Battle of Forts Clinton Montgomery - New York October 22 - Battle of Red Bank - New Jersey December 19-June 19, 1778 - Winter at Valley Forge - Pennsylvania 1778 June 28 - Battle of Monmouth - New Jersey July 3 - Battle of Wyoming (Wyoming Massacre) - Pennsylvania August 29 - Battle of Rhode Island - Rhode Island 1779 February 14 - Battle of Kettle Creek - Georgia July 16 - Battle of Stony Point - New York July 24-August 12 - Penobscot Expedition - Maine (Massachusetts) August 19 - Battle of Paulus Hook - New Jersey September 16-October 18 - Siege of Savannah - Georgia September 23 - Battle of Flamborough Head (Bonhomme Richard vs. HMS Serapis) - waters off Britain 1780 March 29-May 12 - Siege of Charleston - South Carolina May 29 - Battle of Waxhaws - South Carolina June 23 - Battle of Springfield - New Jersey August 16 - Battle of Camden - South Carolina October 7 - Battle of Kings Mountain - South Carolina 1781 January 5 - Battle of Jersey - Channel Islands January 17 - Battle of Cowpens - South Carolina March 15 - Battle of Guilford Court House - North Carolina April 25 - Battle of Hobkirks Hill - South Carolina September 5 - Battle of the Chesapeake - waters off Virginia September 6 - Battle of Groton Heights - Connecticut September 8 - Battle of Eutaw Springs - South Carolina September 28-October 19 - Battle of Yorktown - Virginia 1782 April 9-12 - Battle of the Saintes - Caribbean

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Psychosocial Stress and Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Psychosocial Stress and Cancer - Essay Example It has been stated that these may be manifestations of motivational disturbances due to advanced illness or longstanding suffering. It has also been suggested that physical changes associated with advanced and life-threatening illness associated with considerable suffering such as occurs in any patient with cancer may strongly influence the psychological adjustment of the patient in both positive and negative ways. This is an important factor in management of patients with cancer since the patient's perspective of cancer as a terminal illness strongly influences the care process. This also means that these responses indicate the psychological determinants of patient responses. Many cancer patients suffer from hopelessness, and this is regarded by the care professionals as conducive to illness, death, and suffering and the opposite psychological reaction may lead to a favourable outcome (Kunkel et al., 2000). Although investigated in other cancers, the role of psychological and social factors in cancer and in those who survive cancer has been well delineated. In some cancers psychological factors have been shown to be predictive of survival time. ... Those patients who are coping actively have best outcomes. It is thus evident that if these psychological factors have influence on survival, then development of psychological interventions directed to enhance the use of positive coping styles leading to prolonged survival. Petticrew et al. (2002) in their literature review indicated several themes of psychological reactions in response to cancer. Knowledge regarding these would foster professional interventions in cancer patients leading to better outcome (Petticrew et al. 2002). A very prominent and significant psychological response is fighting spirit. Many studies have investigated the impact of fighting spirit on survival from established cancer. Fighting spirit is a coping style, and this has been reported to be associated with reduced risk. The next most common psychological manifestation is helpless and hopelessness. This is known to be a predictor of reduced survival and compromised quality of life. Some patients demonstrate denial or avoidance. There is no significant association between an avoidant coping and survival. In some cancers, denial may predict recurrence of disease. Some patients with cancer demonstrate stoic acceptance and fatalism (White and Verhoef, 2003). Some patients become anxious with cancer and may develop anxious preoccupation. Some patients may even be depressed. Those who are very anxious or have high anxious preoccupation demonstrate shorter survival. Those who employ a depressive coping style also have a shorter survival. Th ose who have active or problem focused coping demonstrated a longer survival. Suffering from cancer and going through the treatment have high impact on the patients'

Friday, October 18, 2019

Article Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Article Critique - Essay Example While the article is helpful as a general information piece, it lacks any substantive depth, and does not draw any conclusions. The author writes of "millions of new jobs" and "a demand for green jobs, which could provide meaningful work", but offers no specifics or details. The author was further challenged by the topic as he could not even offer a definition for the term green job. Due to the immense scope of the topic, and the relative of the issue in the national spotlight, it would be impractical to devise any research based on empirical data or a quantitative study. Research could best be accomplished by a review of the existing literature on the topic and consulting the writings of industry experts. I would examine the experiences that other countries have had with green technology and how it has impacted their employment and economic outlook. In addition, I would make some conjectures and predictions on the impact of energy on the economy if we do nothing. Solar panel technology for residential housing is an area of green technology that has vast potential. At the current cost of solar cells, they are economically impractical without a government subsidy. Currently the federal subsidy is 30 percent, with some states adding an additional amount ("Northern Arizona Wind & Sun"). If the subsidy were 70 percent, it would take the homeowner just 6 years to recover the cost of a system that has a life span of 20 years ("Northern Arizona Wind & Sun"). As the technology gets more developed and manufacturing reaches scale, the price will drop dramatically and the subsidies could be cut back. The long term effect would be to significantly lower the cost of utilities in America and there would be more money in the economy to spend on cars and houses. Closing the coal fired electric plants and replacing them with nuclear facilities would greatly reduce green house gas emissions and create a

Photo Description of the waiting room in Chicago, Illinois by Jack Essay

Photo Description of the waiting room in Chicago, Illinois by Jack Delano - Essay Example However, from a closer look at the photo, it can be seen that the focus of the photo man was at the two gentle men standing at the foreground. The probable interest might be a case that appears to be of concern to the gentlemen as can be seen from their looks. The picture communicates a lot of information about the nature of activities and the people in the caption, however, among the messages in the picture, one is dominant. A case that is troubling the two gentle men and the others in the picture even though among the concerned parties, the two gentle men seem to be at the centre of it. This argument is supported by how the Cameraman focused majorly at these two gentlemen who by the nature of their dressing looks like police officers. They appear to be having a serious conversation that can be attributed to this suspected case. The specifics of the conversation is not so apparent, but it is likely not a social conversation as can be seen by their faces (Fleischhauer, et al. 361). A closer look at the photographer’s depiction at their faces reveals that both are not talking at the same time. The gentle man on the right hand side must be the one doing the talking. His posture is straight, and he is looking straight at the other officer at the left hand side. From this looks alone, one can guess their ranks.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Breach of Professional Accounting Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Breach of Professional Accounting Ethics - Essay Example Enron Corporation was an energy company established in 1985 with headquarters in Houston, Texas. To diversify its business portfolio for long-term investments, it had created Special Purpose Entities (SPEs). According to the EITF 90-15 rule, 3% of the capital for the creation of these SPEs should come from an outside investor. Enron Corporation misused the rule and received the required amount from internal company managers or their wives. The Auditor of the Corporation- Arthur Andersen, in order to remain loyal to the company executives and remain an ‘independent auditor’, provided consultancy to the Corporation and provided misleading and incorrect details of financial audits of the Corporation, which ultimately lead to the Company filing bankruptcy in December 2001, due to millions of debts concealed from stakeholders (Rittenberg et al, 2009, p. 427). The platform for the bankruptcy of Enron was set when its top managers and executives bent the accounting standards fo r their personal gains. In order to diversify its business portfolio, Enron took a fatal turn by deciding to be an energy broker. For this purpose, it started entering into separate contracts with sellers and buyers, thereby profiting from the difference in the prices of the commodities. Keeping its books closed from investors and stakeholders, Enron entered into risky ventures and the accomplice, in this case, was the auditing firm- Arthur Andersen, who concealed the actual position and standing of the Corporation from the outside world. Later on when the differences were tried to be matched, Enron posted mammoth losses running into billions of marks, which spelled demise for it. The Enron scandal is considered to be one of the biggest securities and accounting ethics fraud registered in history. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was handled the responsibility to examine thecompanies in overstating their financial health.

How to make oral presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

How to make oral presentation - Essay Example It is also easier to understand the topic if it is interpreted in simpler words. Make an outline of the presentation. This will help organize not only the presentation but also the thought of the person delivering the oral presentation. Outline serves as guide for the presentation. This could be done through powerpoint and the presentor’s own printed copy with corresponding explanation. Do a dry run presentation a couple of days before the presentation. It will also help a lot if such dry run will be recorded so that the student can play back and observe how he or she is doing in the presentation and do some corresponding adjustments to make the presentation better. Dry run will also let the student have a feel of the presentation which would help diminish the nervousness during the presentation proper. Also, dry runs allow the student to make all possible mistakes without the deduction in grade or embarrassment. Do one last review and dry run of the subject matter to be presented a day before the presentation. Then relax and get enough sleep. Arrive at the presentation venue earlier to be able to relax and settle down. This will help to remove the nervousness and make the presentor more

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Breach of Professional Accounting Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Breach of Professional Accounting Ethics - Essay Example Enron Corporation was an energy company established in 1985 with headquarters in Houston, Texas. To diversify its business portfolio for long-term investments, it had created Special Purpose Entities (SPEs). According to the EITF 90-15 rule, 3% of the capital for the creation of these SPEs should come from an outside investor. Enron Corporation misused the rule and received the required amount from internal company managers or their wives. The Auditor of the Corporation- Arthur Andersen, in order to remain loyal to the company executives and remain an ‘independent auditor’, provided consultancy to the Corporation and provided misleading and incorrect details of financial audits of the Corporation, which ultimately lead to the Company filing bankruptcy in December 2001, due to millions of debts concealed from stakeholders (Rittenberg et al, 2009, p. 427). The platform for the bankruptcy of Enron was set when its top managers and executives bent the accounting standards fo r their personal gains. In order to diversify its business portfolio, Enron took a fatal turn by deciding to be an energy broker. For this purpose, it started entering into separate contracts with sellers and buyers, thereby profiting from the difference in the prices of the commodities. Keeping its books closed from investors and stakeholders, Enron entered into risky ventures and the accomplice, in this case, was the auditing firm- Arthur Andersen, who concealed the actual position and standing of the Corporation from the outside world. Later on when the differences were tried to be matched, Enron posted mammoth losses running into billions of marks, which spelled demise for it. The Enron scandal is considered to be one of the biggest securities and accounting ethics fraud registered in history. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was handled the responsibility to examine thecompanies in overstating their financial health.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Article Critique #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article Critique #2 - Essay Example Suchman and Luthar have collaborated on several related projects in the past. Self-referencing in this case is acceptable because other sources are credible. This 2007 article is related to prior work done by the authors and the different studies apparently support one another. The authors assert that parental control results in better behavior outcomes for children, and parental warmth results in better psychological outcomes. Mothers in the study were taken from a population participating in methadone treatments, and randomly assigned to either control-training group therapy or warmth-training group therapy. The group therapy lasted for 24 weeks and the children and mothers completed assessments a total of seven times during the study. A total of 98 mother-child pairs participated all the way through the study. The authors’ hypotheses were that mothers who exhibited greater control over their children’s behavior while still allowing them to be autonomous would have children with fewer behavioral issues, and that mothers who exhibited warmth toward their children would have children who were better adjusted. The findings of the study proved that these assumptions were true, to a degree. Since all the data was self-reported, the mothers and children saw themselves differently. For instance, children who rated their mothers high on the parental control scale were not looked at by their mothers as having fewer problems, but the children’s self-report showed they had fewer problems with behavior. And, when both mothers and children rated the mothers high on the warmth scale, those children reported greater problems with internalizing behaviors such as depression. Obviously, children view their mothers differently than they view themselves; one reason for this could be that the mothers were trying to make changes in their parenting styles and the children were not yet responding in line with the parents’ changes. The randomized assignment of the

The Use of Animals in Biomedical Research Essay Example for Free

The Use of Animals in Biomedical Research Essay There is a big issue on the use of animals for biomedical research (i.e., research done for the understanding and promotion mainly of human life. Such would include, but not limited to, medical formulation and testing, formulation and testing of hypotheses about diseases, surgical experimentations, testing of various consumer goods for safety, and psychological experimentations). At least up to the present time, animals are still widely used for research. In an estimate by Barbara Orlans (2001, 400), there are like 50 to100 million animals being used for research annually. Nevertheless, with an increasing awareness on the complexity of animal psyche and the increased voice that animal rights advocates have, the morality of such research (along with the other uses that animals have) has been put into question. In a Dutch animal committee hearing on the use of animals for cancer medical testing, for example, a woman who is terminally ill due to cancer stepped forward and said that she would rather die than have another animal suffer painlessly just for her cure. Human beings are beginning to be acutely aware of such experimentations and different sentiments and ideas have been brought to the core. Now, amidst the almost unending debate on the use of animals for biomedical research, I would want to first, present the philosophical debate on this issue; then second, present my opinion on it. To be able to accomplish this goal, I would first present the debate between Carl Cohen and Bernard Rollin. Afterwards, I will present what I think is a middle position between the two. The Cohen-Rollin Debate   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A representative debate on this issue would be the debate between Carl Cohen and Bernard Rollin. Basically, the two are debating on the moral status of animals. Allow me to present a summary of the points of these two philosophers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Carl Cohen, a speciesist, says that animals do not have rights and that animal experimentation should go on. A speciesist (2002, 303) is someone who says that our species, i.e., the human species, gives us all the moral rights that we have. That ultimately, what makes us different, and hence rules on human experimentation are different, is the fact that we belong to human kind. As such, humans cannot just be experimented on but would need precautions like informed consent; measurement of risk; the prior and post evaluation of the research using the principles of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice; etcetera. Hence, because we are humans, we have all the rights and privileges that we know we have.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Now, the next question that we may have, which Cohen answers, is: what makes us humans in the first place? For Cohen, the answer is pretty simple. We are human beings because we have moral capacities which animals do not have. These moral capacities refer to the aptitude of human beings in applying an abstract moral rule on an act; has capabilities to make moral claims; has the capacity to comprehend rules of duty; the capability for self-legislation; and are members of communities governed by moral rules (2002, 300-302). These moral capacities would then make human beings are capable of understanding conceptual principles of morality (like for example, â€Å"do good to others,† or â€Å"do not do actions that would purposely harm other human beings†) and apply such to individual human actions. Now because of this capacity, human beings have the capacity for self-restraint. They do not need others (presuming that they are already within the age of reason, i.e., mature enough to do these tasks) to restrain them from harming their fellows. Nor would they need others to goad them to do acts that are praiseworthy. As such, human beings could legislate themselves, i.e., govern their own actions. Now, because of this, human beings could very well belong to a community of other human beings who are capable of the same moral capacities as he is. And his belonging to this community is of the nature that rules and laws are there to minimally guide human interaction. They are not there to govern each single action of the human being. This would mean that human beings, on the most part, are free on how they interact with each other. She/he is free provided that her/his actions are responsible actions, i.e., actions that the human being may be made accountable for. Now, these moral capacities make human beings capable of rights. Rights basically refer to â€Å"claims, or potential claims, within a community of moral agents† (2002, 300). The human capacity for understanding concepts and applying such concepts in his dealings and acts with each other makes the human being capable of making such claims.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At this point, Cohen says that these rights cannot extend to animals for the simple reason that animals do not have these moral capacities we have mentioned.   They are incapable of understanding, i.e., of moral reasoning, and such, all the other moral capacities could not be attributed to them. We have to state at this point that for Cohen, even psychologically disabled or comatosed human beings retain these rights plainly because they belong to the same kind. In one way or another, such human beings seem to â€Å"ride on† the capabilities of other human beings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hence, for Cohen, animal experimentation (of course not withstanding useless cruelty to animals) should go on for the good of the human race since we could not talk of violation of any rights in the first place since animals do not have rights. Bernard Rollin (2001, 418) responds to Cohen’s arguments by saying that it might be true that rights started from humans, but, it does not mean that such rights should remain among humans. He made an analogy on the game of chess. It might be true that chess was made initially for Persian royalty, nevertheless, the game started to have a life of its own and as such, it is not anymore restricted by the original makers of it. The same may be said about rights that human beings made and sorted out for themselves. What would stop the â€Å"Bill of Rights† from being applied to animals if sociological evolution would lead to such? Plainly, there is no guarantee that such rights would have to remain and be applicable only to its sources. In one way or another, Rollin seems to allude to the Ricoeurean hermeneutics on the life of the text, on the unstoppable and â€Å"unfigurable† refiguration of the text. Now, this may be true if the Bill of Rights could plainly be called a text, as a product of a social contract, but probably not if these rights are perceived in a naturalistic way. Rollin goes on to elaborate his basic stand: there seems to be no morally relevant difference between humans and vertebrate animals â€Å"to include all humans within the full scope of moral concern and yet deny such moral status to the animals† (2001, 413). Then, he goes on to define morally relevant difference: it is a â€Å"difference that rationally justifies treating them differently in some way that bears moral weight† (2001, 413). Hence, Rollin says that if two students coming from two different races and having two different eye colors would have the same class standing, they would be given the same grade. Their differences cannot be considered as â€Å"relevant† for the teacher’s act of grading. Now, Rollin states that the differences between humans and other vertebrates are not relevant because aside from the fact that both feel pain, both also have interests that must be respected. True, human interests may be different from animal interests, but the fact remains that both are interest-driven. Animal interests are violated when they are made to suffer; when social animals are kept in isolation; when burrowing animals are kept in steel cages; etcetera. Rollin also argues that there seems to be no difference between intellectually disabled humans and many animals, and hence, if consent is called for when experimenting on these human beings, such would also be called for when doing animal experimentation. The Middle Position   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cohen is clear on his position: we are not violating anything when animals are used in experimenting since these experiments are needed for the human good. Rollin, on the other hand, is on the soft position that animals and humans are not relevantly different, and hence, the rights accorded to human beings in research ought to be the same rights given to other vertebrates. For Rollin, simply, animals should be treated as humans especially when it comes to biomedical research. Now, the consequences of their positions seem to be clear: Cohen’s position is a defense of the status quo, while Rollin’s position implies that medical codes on human experimentation like the Nuremberg Code should all be extended to vertebrate animals. I would say that though it is true that certain animals exhibit characteristics that are almost like that of humans (like the great apes, for example), still, Cohen is right in saying that rationality as it is present in humanity makes humans largely different from the other animals (just look at all the human civilizations and histories which even the most â€Å"intelligent† animals are incapable of, and as such, I find it hard to understand why Rollin says that the difference between animals and humans are not relevant differences), and as such, things that apply to human beings cannot all be applied to animals, like the medical code of ethics on human experimentation, for example. Such an application leads to d ifficult consequences. For one, such would necessitate the experimenter to gain the subject’s consent. How do we get an animal’s consent? What standard should we use? Should we ask the owners? How about animals that do not have owners? Next would be the issue of informed consent. Again, who do we inform and whose signature do we get? I would say that the present trend in animal experimentation in at least some parts of the world is a sober middle ground since at least in ten developed countries, legal measures have been passed regarding the control of pain and suffering of laboratory animals. Many other countries also have legislation on the inspection of research and breeding facilities, requirement for daily care, the checking on the competency and the licenses of qualified persons who handle the experiment, the monitoring by an independent committee, the searching for available alternatives for the experiment, and the creation of ethical criteria for decision making (Orlans 2001, 405). These legal concerns are far from the contents of the Code of Nuremberg or the Helsinki Declaration, nevertheless, they express a concern for the animals who also feels pain like human beings, and who also deserve a sort of concern from us. Hence, animal experimentation should not be stopped but legal constraints distinct from that of human beings have to be put on such experiments since animals are also capable of pain and have interests. REFERENCE LIST: Cohen, Carl. â€Å"The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research,† in Ethical Issues in Biotechnology, ed by Richard Sherlock and John Murrey, 299-308.   Rowman and Littlefield, 2002. Orlans, Barbara. â€Å"History and Ethical Regulation of Animal Experimentation: An International Perspective,† in A Companion to Bioethics, ed by Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer, 399-410. Massachusetts, Oxford, and Victoria: Blackwell, 2001. Rollin,   Bernard. â€Å"The Moral Status of Animals and Their Use as Experimental Subjects,† in A Companion to Bioethics, ed by Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer, 411-422. Massachusetts, Oxford, and Victoria: Blackwell, 2001.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Effect of Alzheimer’s on the Family

Effect of Alzheimer’s on the Family Alzheimer’s: the effect on the family Introduction Alzheimer is a medical problem that can also be termed as a type of dementia. A patient who suffers from Alzheimer experiences problems in regard to his memory, thinking process, and behavior. This disease can be defined as a medical problem that is irreversible, and damages the brain gradually. It starts destroying the memory of a person and then eventually the patient starts experiencing problems in carrying out the activities related to his or her daily life. This is a problem that is caused especially in older people, the ones, who have crossed the age of 60. As mentioned above, this is one of the most common types of dementia that is caused in older people. Researchers have been working on the Alzheimer since 1906, when a doctor first examined the case of a woman who was thought to be dead due to some sort of mental illness. The common symptoms that were witnessed by the doctor in that lady included the problems related to memory loss, psychological and mental behavioral problems, problem in speaking and understanding what other people are saying, etc. after the death of this female patient, the doctors examined her brain and found that there were a lot of abnormal amyloidal clumps in her brain. Apart from this, a lot of entangled fibers were also found in the brain of this lady during examination. (Casado, 2012) These two findings, i.e. the plaque as well as the tangles are considered to be the two main features that help in providing the description of the Alzheimer’s disease. Apart from this, the third factor that proved to be responsible for causing Alzheimer in the patient was the loss of contact between the neurons with each other in some or all the parts of the brain. It has been seen that with the help of proper medication, the doctors have been successful in treating and controlling the symptoms of the Alzheimer. But till date there has been no cure that is discovered for treating the Alzheimer disease in a perfect manner. The working of the brain under the influence of Alzheimer disease Not many researches have proved to be successful in determining the exact details about the Alzheimer disease. The questions like how and when the process or Alzheimer begins in the brain is not known. It is generally believed that the symptoms are visible in the patients much later when the disease starts damaging the brain. The patients do not exibit the symptoms in this stage but there are a lot of toxic changes related to this disease that start taking place in the brain. The brain starts depositing a lot of protein in the brain and this protein eventually starts forming clots and tangles of fibers in the brain. When this quantity increases, it starts affecting the working of the neurons. This is exactly the situation when the neurons start dying and the signs of Alzheimer are visible in the patients. (Feldman, 2013) The first place or part of the brain that gets affected by this entire process is known as hippocampus. This is that part of the brain that plays vital role in forming the memories in the brain. This region of the brain starts shrinking as soon as the neurons start dying. It is very difficult to identify Alzheimer in the initial stages. And eventually, when the patient goes and consults a doctor regarding his problems, it often gets too late. (Lim, 2011) Statistics related to the Alzheimer Talking in context to the United States, there are more than 5 million people who are known are the patients suffering from Alzheimer. Most of these people are in the age group of 65 and above. Since there is no exact and effective treatment for this disease, it is difficult to put a brake on the rising number of the patients. There are three stages that occur in Alzheimer, namely a preclinical stage, a mild cognitive stage and the final stage. This is not those types of disease which may cause death to the patients. But because it is caused in people with older age, Alzheimer mixes with other diseases and then may cause death in some years. Living with the Alzheimer- the effect on the family Since this medical problem and the number of patients suffering from it are constantly increasing, you may also witness that some person in your family supports from this problem. It is important to understand here that you are not the only one whose dear one is suffering from this problem. A lot of old people these days suffer from this medical problem. A lot of care and precautions need to be taken in order to help the patient live a proper life when he or she suffers from Alzheimer. Along with the patient, it is the patients family as well that has to deal with a lot of stress on a daily basis. It is not only the patient itself who lives with the Alzheimer disease, but it is his or her family members as well. (Elliott, 2010) The family of the patients suffering from Alzheimer disease needs to be very supportive towards the patient. Most of the people, who suffer from this disease, are not able to handle or manage the tasks that need to be done on a regular basis. they need to mandatorily seek help from others in walking, sitting, standing, etc. since you are the care givers for the patient, it is important that you take care of all the unique needs of the patient. Some of the general tips that may prove to be helpful for you in the case you have to take care of patient suffering from Alzheimer disease are mentioned below- Set up a routine for the patient and make sure it is seriously followed Make sure that you help him do his works. Don’t just treat him as a person who cannot do anything on his own. Since the patient stays confused and feels weak all the time, taking care of his or her dietary habits is very important (Thies, 2013) Give healthy meals and drinks to the Alzheimer patients Serve food that the patient can eat by himself easily Keep in mind that the patient is an adult and not a child. He or she may have mood swings and therefore do not force him or her for anything that is against their wish The patients lose control over their brain and the thinking process. so it is important that someone is always around the patient in order to keep the patient safe Encourage the patient for regular exercising If the situation worsens, you can take him or her for counseling sessions It is important for the caregivers that they take care of themselves as well. The family members of the patients suffer from the mental as well as physical trauma. It is important here that the caregivers are provided with constant support. Many people may think that it is unfair on their part to take care of someone who isn’t treating them right. It is important that the family members of the Alzheimer patient keep themselves patient and calm. Conclusion There has been a lot of advancement in the research related to the Alzheimer disease in the last few years. It should be remembered that the Alzheimer disease is one of the most serious problems that has been faced by the country presently. It is important that the scientists keep on working in this field and quickly find out a way in which they can treat the patients of the Alzheimer disease in order to make them perfectly healthy. Apart from this a lot of work in respect to the prevention of this medical problem also needs to be done in order to control the rise in the number of patients suffering from Alzheimer. (Theofilou, 2012) Taking from the point of view of the caregivers and the family member’s o the Alzheimer patients, it is important that they handle the patient with utmost care and affection. In cases when the family is not capable of handling the patient, they can take the help of care homes as well that are made in order to serve these patients. References Works Cited Casado, B. . (2012). Correlates of caregiver burden among family caregivers of older Korean Americans. Retrieved 5 6, 2014, from Casado, B., Sacco, P. (2012). Correlates of caregiver burden among family caregivers of older Korean Americans. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 67(3), 331-336. Elliott, A. F. (2010). Enhancing caregiver health: findings from the resources for enhancing Alzheimers caregiver health II intervention. . Retrieved 5 6, 2014, from Elliott, A. F., Burgio, L. D., DeCoster, J. (2010). Enhancing caregiver health: findings from the resources for enhancing Alzheimers caregiver health II intervention. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58(1), 30-37. Feldman, A. L. (2013). Familial Coaggregation of Alzheimers Disease and Parkinsons Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. . Retrieved 5 6, 2014, from Feldman, A. L., Johansson, A. L., Lambert, P. C., Sieurin, J., Yang, F., Pedersen, N. L., Wirdefeldt, K. (2013). Familial Coaggregation of Alzheimers Disease and Parkinsons Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Neuroepidemiology, 42(2), 69-80. Lim, J. G. (2011). Coping strategies influence caregiver outcomes among Asian family caregivers of persons with dementia in Singapore. . Retrieved 5 6, 2014, from Lim, J., Griva, K., Goh, J., Chionh, H. L., Yap, P. (2011). Coping strategies influence caregiver outcomes among Asian family caregivers of persons with dementia in Singapore. Alzheimer Disease Associated Disorders, 25(1), 34-41. Theofilou, P. (2012). Evaluation of quality of life for caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. . Retrieved 5 6, 2014, from Theofilou, P. (2012). Evaluation of quality of life for caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. J Alzheimers Dis, 2(1). Thies, W. . (2013). 2013 Alzheimers disease facts and figures. . Retrieved 5 6, 2014, from Thies, W., Bleiler, L. (2013). 2013 Alzheimers disease facts and figures. Alzheimers dementia: the journal of the Alzheimers Association, 9(2), 208-245.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay on The Theme of Rappaccini’s Daughter -- Rappaccinis Daughter E

â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter† – The Theme  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s tale, â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter,† the dominanat theme is the evil within mankind. This essay intends to explore, exemplify and develop this topic.    Hyatt Waggoner in â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne† states:    Alienation is perhaps the theme he handles with greatest power. â€Å"Insulation,† he sometimes called it – which suggests not only isolation but imperviousness. It is the opposite of that â€Å"osmosis of being† that Warren has written of, that ability to respond and relate to others and the world. . . . it puts one outside the ‘magic circle’ or the ‘magnetic chain’ of humanity, where there is neither love nor reality (54).    Waggoner’s theme of alienation does play a part in â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter† in reference to the doctor and Beatrice, and Giovanni after he has been rendered poisonous by prolonged contact with Beatrice. But alienation is not, in the opinion of this reader, the dominant theme in the tale. The overriding theme would be the evil residing within human beings, regardless of how attractive they appear outwardly. â€Å"Everything he has to say is related, finally, to ‘that inward sphere’† (McPherson 68-69).    Giovanni’s love for the beautiful daughter blinds him to various indications of her poisonous nature, to the evil nature of her father and to the intent of her father to involve Giovanni as a subject in his sinister experiment. At the climax his blindness is removed and he sees, with Beatrice’s help, the truth of the situation; he sees the evil within man.    The tale takes place in Padua, Italy, where a Naples student named Giovanni Guascanti has relocated in order to attend the medical school there. His modes... Press, 1968.    Hawthorne, Nathaniel. â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter.† ElectronicText Center. University of Virginia Library."HawRapp"&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&tag=public    Kazin, Alfred. Introduction. Selected Short Stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne. New York: Fawcett Premier, 1966.    McPherson, Hugo. â€Å"Hawthorne’s Use of Mythology.† In Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Clarice Swisher. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1996.    Waggoner, Hyatt. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.† In Six American Novelists of the Nineteenth Century, edited by Richard Foster. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1968.    Williams, Stanley T. â€Å"Hawthorne’s Puritan Mind.† In Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Clarice Swisher. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1996.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Media Advertising - Portraying Stability Through Advertising in the 195

Portraying Stability Through Advertisement in the 1950's The 1950's: this era brings to mind vivid pictures of black and white TVs, Donna Reed, dishwashers, the Jitterbug, baby-boomers, and toasters. After the turmoil of World War II followed by the difficult adjustment to a post-war economy, the 1950s are recognized as the decade when America finally decided to settle down into an orderly, well-structured lifestyle. While this trend can be seen in many different areas, it is especially noticeable in the advertisements of this unique decade. A coffee advertisement taken from Life Magazine in 1950 clearly illustrates this emphasis on order through its portrayal of the ideal family, fun, form, symmetry, and education. Appeal to the happy family is the most obvious form of propaganda in this ad. The audience's eyes are immediately drawn to the center illustration picturing a handsome father light-heartedly playing football with his son. Lying flat on the ground as if he had truly been tackled by a boy half of his size, the reader makes the assumption that the father is a good sport. This impression is reinforced by his relaxed grip on the football as well as the pleasant, almost impish, grin on his face. The father appears to be very responsible, primarily because of his shaven face, well-trimmed hair, and clean fingernails. His neat pullover, collared shirt and gray trousers add to this impression. Even his nose and chin are straight and powerfully set, reflecting order. The impression of responsibility is accentuated by the fact that the boy is wearing a protective helmet; any reliable parent would assure that their child is safe. The slight silver tinge to his hair, receding hairline, laugh wrin kles around his eyes, heavy... ...he importance of knowledge and education. The included facts relate many statistics about how many years it takes for a coffee tree to mature, the yield of a coffee tree, and the number of beans needed per pound of ground coffee. The use of numbers gives a sense of logic to the advertisement, especially as the producers try to logically reason that Americans should by coffee since it "costs just a few pennies a cup." Even the alphabetical listing of the countries producing coffee maintains the sense of order. Obviously structure, responsibility, stability and order were of the upmost importance during the 1950s. This coffee advertisement clearly reflects this popular trend, as have ads throughout history. Through its appeal to the happy family, fun, form, symmetry, and education, this coffee advertisement is effectively able to portray its message of stability.

John Wesley Hardin

Elsie Glosser Mr. Largent History 122 8 December 2010 John Wesley Hardin John Wesley Hardin, Texas’ most notorious gunfighter, was the son of a Methodist preacher that was growing up during the Reconstruction Era. But instead of saving souls he sent them on to meet their Maker, via bullet train express. So was John Wesley Hardin a cold blooded killer or a product of the times? John Wesley Hardin, who was named after the founder of the Methodist church, was born 26th May 1853 in Bonham, Texas. He was the son of James Gibson Hardin Sr. nd Mary Elizabeth [Dixson] Hardin who were married 19th May 1847. He was the second surviving son of ten children. His father James Gibson Hardin was a Methodist preacher, circuit rider, schoolteacher and lawyer. His mother Mary Elizabeth [Dixson] Hardin was the daughter of a highly respected Indiana doctor and was described by John Wesley as being, â€Å"blond, highly cultured†¦with a charitable disposition, a model wife and helper to his f ather. † (Hardin) At the age of 12, he saw the Confederate soldiers returning home from the Civil War. This was also the beginning of the Reconstruction Era. During the Reconstruction period, the South lay beaten down, the people were filled with hate and vengeance, and the Negro slaves were freed. Many of the Negroes joined the Union army as soldiers or state police. It was during this time that John Wesley developed a deep hatred of the Union and the freed Negroes. â€Å"In his mind, he had seen Abraham Lincoln burned and shot to pieces. So often he thought of him as a demon that was waging a relentless war on the South to rob her of her most sacred rights. † (Hardin) John Wesley was raised with deep religious beliefs and Christian virtues. He had a fierce fire and brimstone religiosity, a strong code of family loyalty and an indelible sense of honor that was a part of the lives of all Southerners, rich or poor. An old Civil War song can be said to accurately reflect the mind of a youth like John Wesley. â€Å" Oh I’m a good ol’ rebel, now that’s just what I am, For this fair land of Freedom, I do not care a damn, I’m glad I fit against it; I only wish we’d won And I don’t want no pardon for anything I’ve done. I hates the constitution, this great Republic, too, I hates the Freedman’s Bureau and uniforms of blue, I hates the nasty eagle with all it brags and fuss, The lyin’ thievin’ Yankees I hates them worse and worse. Three hundred thousand Yankees is still in Southern dust, We got three hundred thousand before they conquered us; They died of Southern fever and Southern steel and shot, I wish there were three million instead of what we got. I don’t want no pardon for what I was and am’ I won’t be reconstructed and I don’t care a damn. † (Metz) In 1865 John Wesley and his family moved to Sumpter, Texas where his father established a school which he and his siblings attended. But it was here in 1867, at the age of 14; John Wesley would have his first encounter with the law. While preparing for a test in school, a classmate named Charles Sloter and John Wesley got in a fight over some graffiti that Charles had written on the wall about a girl in their class named Sal. Charles accused John Wesley of writing it and he denied it. Charles punched John Wesley and attacked him with his pocketknife. John Wesley drew his pocketknife and stabbed him twice, once in the chest and once in the back, almost killing him. The boys’ parents wanted John Wesley expelled from school, but after hearing the facts in the case, the trustees exonerated him and the courts acquitted him. Charles Sloter recovered from his wounds. In November of 1868, John Wesley went to visit his uncle Barnett Hardin, who lived about 4 miles away, to watch them make sugar from the sugar cane. It was during this visit that John Wesley’s’ life was about to change forever at the age of 15. When John Wesley a arrived at his uncles him and his cousin Barnett Jones got into a playful wrestling match with a former slave named Mage. Together, the boys beat him in the first round. It was during the second round that John Wesley accidentally scratched Mage and drew blood. This made Mage very upset and he threatened John Wesley saying, â€Å"He would kill him or die himself; that no white boy could draw his blood and live; that a bird never flew to high not too come to the ground. † (Hardin) John Wesley’s uncle Barnett Hardin ordered Mage off the farm. The next morning, when he was headed for home, the Negro Mage was waiting for him on the trail with a big stick. He threatened kill John Wesley with it and then throw his body into the creek. He swung at him with the stick, and John Wesley pulled out his Colt . 44 pistol and told him to stop. Mage grabbed the reins of his horse, and when he wouldn’t let go John Wesley shot him loose, but he kept coming back. He continued to shoot Mage every time he came at him, until the man collapsed. He went to another uncle’s house and brought him back to where Mage was lying. His uncle told him to go on home and tell his parents what had happened. Mage ended up dying from his wounds a few days later. His father knew that John Wesley would not receive a fair trial, because to be tried for killing a Negro at that time, meant a certain death at the hands of a court backed by Yankee bayonets. So John Wesley was sent to stay with his brother Joe, some 25 miles away, in Logallis Prairie. In December of 1868, some 6 weeks after the shooting and death of the Negro Mage, his brother told him that there were 3 Union soldiers asking questions about him. He took a shotgun and his Colt . 44 revolver and went to wait for them along the creek bed of Hickory Creek crossing, where he knew they would cross. Their e ambushed them, killing 2 white soldiers with the shotgun and the black soldier with his revolver. So, by the winter of 1868, 15 year old John Wesley Hardin had killed 4 men and was wounded for the first time. But his killings did not stop there. By February of 1871, at the age of 17, John Wesley had killed 12 men. In March of 1871, John Wesley and his cousin Jim Clements took 1600 head of cattle and headed up the Chisholm Trail toward Abilene, Kansas. Along the trail they had a problem with some Mexican vaqueros that kept mixing their cattle with John Wesley’s. A fight broke out, which ended up with John Wesley killing 5 of the Mexicans. So within a day or two of his 18th birthday John Wesley had now killed twenty men. He arrived in Abilene Kansas around June 1, 1871. It was here in Abilene, at 18 years old, that he met Wild Bill Hickok who was the Marshall at the time. John Wesley and Wild Bill met, for the first time, in a wine room where they discussed the rules of carrying firearms in Abilene. They left the meeting as friends, and John Wesley was given a privilege that no other cowboys would get to enjoy. He wore his guns for all to see. On August 6, 1871 he fled Kansas, for Texas after accidentally killing a man in the hotel room next door. On January 11, 1872, John Wesley returned to Gonzales, where he met Jane Bowen at his cousin Jim Clements wedding. They were married on February 29, 1872 by a Methodist minister and Justice of the Peace) Thomas F. Rainey. She was 14 years old and John Wesley was 18. In April 1872, two months after the wedding, John Wesley left for two weeks to head to the King Ranch in South Texas, 175 miles from Gonzales, to conduct business. Upon leaving the King Ranch, Hardin remembered he had â€Å"one of the prettiest and sweetest girls in the county as his wife. † (Metz). He arrived home around 4 am that morning. On June 5, 1872, he left again for Louisiana to sell some horses, but while in Hemphill he got into an altercation with a local law enforcement officer, so he sold the horses there and went to his uncle Barnett’s’ in Polk County. By August of 1872, at the age of 19, Hardin had killed 29 men. John Wesley and Jane’s first child, Mary Elizabeth, was born 6th February 1873, when Jane was 15 years old. Their second child, John Wesley Hardin Jr. , was born 3 August 1875, and their third child, Jane Martina, was born 15 July 1877. Whatever her faults or her degree of naivete, Jane Bowen Hardin was an articulate young lady that maintained a strong love and defense of her husband. On May 26th 1874, at 21 years of age, John Wesley Hardin arrived in Comanche Texas, where Browne County Deputy Sheriff Charles Webb had come with 15 men to kill him. He met Deputy Webb outside the saloon where he asked him if he had any papers for his arrest and Deputy Webb replied that he did not have any papers for his arrest. John Wesley invited Deputy Webb to go into the saloon with him for a drink and cigar. When John Wesley turned around to go in the door, he heard someone shout, and as he turned he saw Deputy Webb go for his gun to shoot him in the back. Hardin drew and fired his gun hitting Deputy Brown in the head killing him, but not before he got a shot off that hit Wesley and wounded him. On 23rd July 1877, he was arrested for the murder of Brown County Deputy Charles Webb, three years after it happened. John Wesley Hardin left Austin jail in September of 1877, for Comanche, Texas, which was some 160 miles away, to stand trial for murder. He was found guilty of second degree murder and was sentenced to 25 years of hard labor in the state penitentiary at Huntsville. He arrived there 5th October 1878. During his prison term, he studied law and passed the bar exam. It was also during this time that his wife Jane died, on 6th November 1892. John Wesley was released from prison 17th February 1894, and was granted a gull pardon and his citizenship restored by Governor of Texas, J. S. Hogg. After his release, he joined his children in Gonzales where he began to practice law On 8 January 1895, he married his second wife Callie Lewis, of London Texas. She was 15 ? and he was 41. Within a week of their marriage, he sent her back to be with her parents. They never divorced nor had the marriage annulled. He moved to El Paso, Texas where he opened a law practice. John Wesley got into an argument with a local lawman named John Selman Jr. , when he arrested his girlfriend for illegally carrying a pistol. Hardin in his quiet and deadly way threatened to kill him. Selman’s father new John Wesley’s reputation as a fast and lethal gunfighter, having killed over forty men. So, fearing for his sons’ life, John Selman Sr, decided to take the law into his own hands and permanently stop Hardin from carrying out his threat. So, it was on 19th August 1895, in the Acme Saloon in El Paso, Texas, somewhere between 11pm and midnight that John Wesley Hardin, Texas’ most notorious gunfighter in American history life came to an end, shot in the back of the head while his back was turned, by John Selman Sr, while he was rolling dice at the bar. He never had the slightest chance to defend himself. Do I believe John Wesley Hardin was a cold blooded killer? No I don’t. I believe he was a product of the times and was very self aware with a strong sense of survival. I also believe he only killed, in self defense, those that needed killing Rest in Peace John Wesley Hardin Works Cited Hardin, John Wesley. â€Å"The Life of John Wesley Hardin. † General Books, 2009. 3. Metz, Leon. â€Å"John Wesley Hardin: Dark Angel of Texas. † Metz, Leon. Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma press, 1996. Foreward page 2.